15 Minutes of Internet Fame

Last week my cat Beau became internet-famous, for a day at least. With the help of Reddit and Imgur, he was seen by 1.4 million bored internet people.

During the recent Juno Blizzard, my wedding photographer and friend Zac Wolf had a call to action. He asked Facebook friends to take photos of their dogs playing in the snow. Half jokingly, he suggested a cat photo would be even better.

I took the bait.

Mary and I brought Beau, an indoor cat, outside for his first experience in snow. It also happened to be in the middle of the blizzard. He did not enjoy it, so I snapped a picture and promptly brought him back inside.

blizzard cat snowbeau

I posted the photo on Reddit where it took on a life of its own and spawned all sorts of photoshop jobs.

beau and friends

beau putin

cat sled beau

catzilla beau

luke skywalker cat

al pacino cat

lake placid cat

scorpion cat

lotr cat

game of thrones cat

monster hunter cat

snowboard cat

Even more can be found here. If you would like to get involved and have photoshop skills, I would love to see Beau’s head as the Cave of Wonder.

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